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Newsletter – January 2020

Wednesday 29th January

Dear Parents and Carers,


Throughout this half term Mrs Tippet has made visits to the school to begin the handover for her start on Monday 24th February.  She will be on the gate on Friday 7th February to meet parents and will join our celebration worship this day.  She is excited to be joining such a wonderful school community and is pleased to get the opportunity to come and spend time with us on this day. I have no doubt she will be a great asset to the school and enjoy working with you all.  Thank you for your continued support of Sigglesthorne Primary Academy.


Kind regards

Mrs S Hall




It is so important for the children to be in school whenever possible.  Our whole-school target is 97%.  We are at 96.2%. Thank you for supporting us in making sure your child is in school and ready to learn every day.


Sporting Opportunities

Thank you for all your support at our sporting events.  Mrs Wrightson (our Sports Leader) is keen to get the children out and experiencing competitive sports in our cluster.  The cluster provides a great opportunity for competition across the region and is a great way for children to experience competitive sport in a supportive atmosphere.


Nursery Places

Please spread the word to any friends and family you know that may be looking for a nursery place for their young child.  We have availability each day and offer a flexible approach to childcare for families.  Please do encourage them to contact the school office to get a prospectus and come and have a look at the school.

Collective Worship

This term we are exploring the people Jesus meets through our gospel readings as we journey through the half term.  Children have explored the values of Hope, Dignity, Joy and Wisdom in their Monday worship.  Ask your child about the stories we have covered as we have journeyed with Jesus through his baptism and visitation at the Temple.  We have been really impressed with their knowledge and the mature way in which they have not only explored, but demonstrated these values.


Parent Hub (Reminder)

All children will receive a paper copy of all letters and a parent hub upload of the letter will also be sent.  A Monday update of any events that week will be sent via parent hub and letters sent out will be uploaded as they are sent.  You can also visit our website to see our newsletters.


Dates for Diary

Please see the list below for all of our upcoming events and next terms dates to help you plan.

Wednesday 29th January 3.30pm – Parent Drop In – a chance to come in and see your child’s classroom and learning.

3.30pm – Appointments with the SENCO – please contact the office to book in.

Tuesday 11th February E-Safety Day – look on twitter to see our learning this day.
Friday 14th February 3.30pm – School closes for half term.
Monday 24th February 8.45am – School re-opens for children.
Wednesday 4th March Parents Evening 4-6pm.  Appointments will be sent out nearer the time.
Thursday 5th March World Book Day
Friday 6th March Training Day – School closed to children
Thursday 19th March 1 – 3.30pm Family learning afternoon.  A letter giving further details will be sent nearer the time.
Thursday 2nd April 11.00am – Easter Service in church.
Friday 3rd April 3.30pm – School closes for children.
Monday 20th April School reopens for children.
Friday 8th May Bank Holiday – school closed. (Please note this date has changed from Monday 4th May).
Monday 11th May KS2 SATs Week
Friday 22nd May 3.30pm – School closes for children.
Monday 1st June School reopens for children.
Friday 26th June Training Day – School closed to children
Friday 17th July School closes for summer


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