| 01964 533770
Sigglesthorne Logo
ebor academy trust logo white

For those families that wish to access extended care facilities, we offer a breakfast club and after-school club for all children. The clubs are available to all children who attend the school from Early Years to Year 6.

Breakfast Club
Monday to Friday: 8:00 am – 8:50 am
Cost: The cost of our Breakfast club is £3.00 per session

Our Breakfast Club includes activities and a nutritional start to the day, with cereals, toast and fruit offered.

Prior booking is not necessary.

After School Club
Time: Monday to Friday: 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Cost: The cost of our after-school club is £4.00 per session

Booking is required prior to the session.

How can I pay?
All payments should be made via Parentpay.

Contact Details and Bookings
Bookings can be made via the school during school hours on 01964 533770 or in person via the office.