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Science – Curriculum Intent

  • Our vision is for all children in our school receive the high quality science education that will inspire and enthuse  learners to take what they have learnt beyond school life and into into the world of work! We aim to ignite curiosity and encourage our children to question, challenge, and problem solve,  equipping them with the skills and tools they need to investigate and ‘find things out’ for themselves.  Right from the early years, our children are given the rich ‘hands on’ learning experiences and opportunities that allow them to explore, notice and question the world around them. 

    Science is taught through a thematic approach wherever possible. Our curriculum is carefully planned to meet the needs of all our children. Our long-term and medium-term plans map out the themes covered every term for each key stage and ensure that all national curriculum objectives and skills are met. These plans define what we will teach and ensure an appropriate balance and distribution of work across each term.

  • In order to ensure high standards of teaching and learning in Science we deliver a progressive curriculum across both schools. We follow a 2 year cycle and, as well as ensuring Science is taught discretely, we also provide cross-curricular links to give opportunities for children to apply their Scientific skills in other subjects. 

    We believe that science teaching should naturally develop a child’s mind about the world around them. It should encourage curiosity through exciting lessons and provide opportunities for each child to apply theoretical ideas of solving practical problems. Through their study, children will not only develop their skills and understanding in the key areas of Scientific Enquiry but they will be able to use accurate scientific vocabulary to talk about their ideas and findings. 

    Children are assessed at the end of each unit with a view to ensuring children achieve the key knowledge for each unit

  • The teaching and learning of Science provides children with the necessary skills and confidence to further understand the world. They become inquisitive about the world that they live in and are encouraged to ask questions. We promote independence by providing children with opportunities to investigate and find answers to their own questions about the world around them. 

    We also have a developed link between curriculum science and science-based industry.  We demonstrate to the children how Science is used in the wider world of work by;

    • Arranging visits to company sites when possible
    • Arranging for industry speakers to come into school
    • Carrying out follow up activities after site visitors/visitors in school
    • Having specific industry days



Additional Information

Please follow the link to our:- Sigglesthorne Progression Of Knowledge Science