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Summer 2024

We are really excited about all the things we have planned for the Summer Term.

Read all about it in the Hedgehogs Class Summer Term Newsletter

Hedgehogs Newsletter – Summer 2024

For more information on the topics we will be covering click below to access the Class Knowledge Organiser

Hedgehogs Summer Knowledge Organiser – Pirates

Hoglets Summer Knowledge Organiser – Pirates


Autumn Term- Hedgehogs Newsletter

September 2023

Dear parents/carers,

We are delighted that you have chosen Sigglesthorne Church of England Primary Academy for your child’s EYFS setting. This is the beginning of a partnership in which we will share with you the important task of educating your child.

We want all our children to feel confident to take part in all of our activities and this is best achieved through working together with you as partners. We hope that this letter will provide answers to any questions you may have but please do not hesitate to come and talk to any member of staff. Alternatively you can contact the school on (01964) 533770 or message us via Tapestry (our online learning

We are really looking forward to working alongside you to provide the best education for your child.

Mrs Wrightson and Mrs Loney.


Tapestry is an online learning platform that is used to communicate between home and school. An account will be created for your child that is accessible by parents or carers and allows staff to post observations and photographs of your child learning and playing
within the setting.

We produce a weekly memo including all of the wonderful learning that has taken place during the week. Please do take the time to read it as it will keep you up to date with the learning taking place and provides a wonderful reference to promote conversation with your child about their school day.

Snack Time

A piece of fruit is available at each snack session. We encourage children to try the different fruits that are on offer. We also offer a carton of milk.


Your child will need to bring a water bottle to school with them. This is available for the children to independently drink at any time of the day. We encourage the children to drink at regular intervals. The children are also offered milk at snack time.

Knowledge Organiser

Each term we will send home a knowledge organiser to let you know about the topics that we will be covering or anything new happening within our class. This will enable you to talk about the learning that is happening at school. We will also keep Tapestry updated with all the wonderful learning happening in class, so please do check regularly.

School Uniform

Uniforms all look similar so please do label your child’s clothes so that they can be returned easily. Ensure footwear is suitable for practical activities. We encourage all children to bring a spare set of clothes to keep on their peg in case they get wet. This doesn’t have to be school uniform.

We also request that children have a named school PE kit in school.

Collecting your child.

Doors open at 3:30pm, please wait by the small green gate. . If another adult is collecting your child please let staff know when you drop them off.

Celebration Assembly

We hold a celebration assembly each Friday at 9:05am. This is an opportunity to come into school and celebrate the children’s in school achievements. The children are also invited to share their out of school achievements. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please drop your child of as normal and then enter through the main office.


Every Friday the children will attend the school library. They have the opportunity to share stories and talk about which books they have read. This is a sharing book to bring home and read together. Please return the book by the following Friday so that they can choose another book to take home.

Please follow the link to the Hedgehog’s Knowledge Organisers.

EYFS.F2 Knowledge Organiser Autumn 23

EYFS.F1 Knowledge Organiser Autumn 23

This document gives an overview about what your child will be learning this term.

Please find some useful links to documents relating to the new EYFS Development Matters framework:-


EYFS – characteristics-of-effective-learning-display-poster


Welcome Chester – our School Dog

From time to time Chester the Dog visits school to work with the children.  A full risk assessment has been completed which will be available on our website. Chester is nearly 2 years old, a labradoodle (hypoallergenic) and belongs to myself (Mrs Owens).

There has been extensive research about the many benefits that can be seen by having a school dog.   

  • Dogs teach children about responsibility – by children having to remember to feed and give water to the dog it can give them a sense of importance and satisfaction that they may not get from other responsibilities.  
  • Dogs teach children patience – they do not always do as they are told first time!  
  • Dogs teach children compassion – just like us dogs feel pain and emotion.  
  • Dogs teach children about socialisation – by the children learning how to interact with a dog they can better learn how to socialise with other children.  
  • Dogs are fun – they greet you with a wagging tail every day and put a smile on your face, even on a bad day. 
  • Please follow the link to the Risk Assessment for this activity:-  Risk Assessment – Dogs in School- Sigg

Please follow the link to the letter which was circulated to parents/carers:-  School Dog letter